martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Just thoughts

I was wondering about a world in which everyone is what they really thinks..
I was wondering about a world in which a human expresses itself in the right way in which he perceives the world..
I was wondering about a world in which the "correct behavior" for that specific moment or situation shouldn't exist..
I was wondering about a world in which all political, social, artistic movements are created just from geniality and creativity of people..and not created just from a certain kind of bad and sad feelings..

But in reality..we live in a world where we..humans..behave ourselves in the only way the society forces us.

I was wondering about a world governed by brightness and sparkling colors..
I was wondering about a world in which cold feelings are just the starting point to change them in hottest ones..
I was wondering about a world in which we can really feel as a part of it..
I was wondering about a world in which we can act like humans and not just ants that go out from their caves just thinking about work and work and work..

We are humans but sometimes animals are better than us..

What's the main distinction between humans and animals?
The capacity to have relationships each others, sure there are animals that collaborate each others better than us..but it is supposed that we are more intelligent, more proactive, more creative and with the respect for others.. is supposed..

I was wondering about a world that should be exactly the same world we dream when we close our eyes..

Let's thinking about the fact that we are individuals, we think, we speak, we express our one should govern us..a part ourselves..

I was wondering about a world in which strangers' smiles are not interpreted like a way to have sex or something like that..because we have to respect each others' freedom..

I was wondering about a world in which our smiles are true and made just to feel others as a part of our same world..

I was wondering a world that won't exist..

..but I'm a dreamer..

..close your eyes..

..humans are dreamers..

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