giovedì 31 maggio 2012

Roemer Chapter 3

The Roemer Saga Part 8: Accidents happen

> Starting in the spring, gym class is now outside
> While Cycling back to school (our crappy school doesn’t have it’s own football field or something) Roemer proposes a race
> Some guys who do bycycle racing in their free time accept
> First they let Roemer be in first place, but then they start with their “real” cycling pace
> One decides to hit Roemer on his shoulder while cycling past him
> Bad decision
> Roemer forgets about “with great power comes great responsibility” and activates Roemerbo speed
> Roemer closes in one of the guys and jumps of his bike onto him
> The guy goes down
> Roemer get’s his bottle out of his backpack
> “Remember this?”
> heforgotitwasmenothim.jpg>Roemer fucking jams the bottle down his throat
> Luckily, before the guy started puking, someone pulled Roemer off of him
> Roemer is still in Roemerbo, and jumps on his bike and speeds off into the distance
> We all cycle to school
> Just Before we reach school we some of the girls in our class on the road, standing still
> Then we see that on the road in front of them a bike is lying on the hood of a car
> The girls hadn’t seen the accident, but the car driver said the cyclist had run away
> Back then nearly everyone rode the same bikes so it could have been anyone
> We get back to school, Roemer is nowhere to be found
> Once we reach math class, Roemer is sitting there, studying
> Teacher says Roemer said some of us did some horrible things to Roemer
> Almost everyone got into trouble
> Not me
> Although only half of us are in class the rest of the day
> Things might have been weird, but the day became truly golden when I saw Roemer going home by foot, instead of by bike

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