lunedì 16 aprile 2012

ROEMER chapter 1

This story is not of a tard, in the Netherlands where I live tards go
to special schools, but about an asperger like no other.

His name was Roemer, pronounced as "Roomer" in English.

> Be in new school in 7th grade becaus in Holland everyone has to switch schools after 6th grade
> Be in kind of a boring new school class, but it's okay
> Run into this Roemer kid everyday, always sitting alone during lunch
> He'd often run around the school crying
> Never really pay attention to him
A week after part 1
> We find out Roemer is good at math
> And when I say good, I mean seriously fucking good
> Not important now, but will come into play later
> Two guys sitting behind him start fucking with him during biology class
> Poking in his back with pens etc.
> Roemer rightfully tells them to fuck off
> One guy starts saying that Roemers dad is both his grandpa and his dad (we found out Roemers dad was in his seventies)
> Roemer jumps over his table (Roemer always sat in front of the classroom) and grabs a broom standing against the wall
> “DIE YOU FUCKING NIGGERS DIE” (we would find out Roemer fucking hates niggers)
> Starts hitting them with the broom
> One guy crying on the Floor
> Hits the other guy so hard the broom breaks
> Teacher walks in (she was copying some papers or something)
> Roemer goes fucking super sayan and runs out the class like a bull
> Allofmywhat.jpg
> The guys who got hit with the broom ar the only ones who get into trouble

I thought Roemer would get expelled, but this was only the beginning

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